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- From: dmj@genie.geis.com
- Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 19:43:00 UTC
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Subject: Indigestion
- X-Genie-Id: 3657565
- X-Genie-From: DMJ
- Precedence: bulk
- Evan,
- - On the subject of cookie jars, another problem with this is
- - that it requires super-visor mode.
- This is not a problem. It takes just about _zero_ time to read the
- cookie jar, which I doubt would make a significant impact, even on
- MiNT.
- - If GFA Basic is incapable of doing something as simple as
- - reading an address from fixed place in memory, then too damn bad.
- Actually, reading the address of the cookie jar is as simple as this:
- jar%=LPEEK(&H5A0)
- GFA automatically drops into supervisor mode to read the memory
- address. I've found GFA in many ways is easier to use for poking
- around in memory, because it requires less "busywork" by the
- programmer to do what they want. (This doesn't mean GFA is good for
- everything, though, and I dislike some of the same things about it as
- you.)
- - Anyway, there is a solution to both problems. Provide a GEMDOS
- - call to manipulate the cookie jar.
- Why not use JARxxx, which is Freeware, which provides XBIOS functions
- for doing this? This was put together by Dan Wilga @ Gribnif
- Software, specifically to address the problems of using the cookie
- jar. I plan on using JARxxx with my own software, so I'm not
- advocating anything I'm not prepared to do myself.
- - I really don't like cookie jar stuff.
- Not everybody shares your bias. Also, the "accepted" method of doing
- this sort of thing is to make the cookie's value a pointer to a
- structure in RAM--this is enormously convenient.
- Ofir,
- - I'm against an ASCII file for the user to edit. Parsing is a
- - pain and users are likely to hate it anyway. Someone will have
- - to create an editor.
- Fine. You might also consider using a small AUTO program to load the
- shortcut file into RAM, so that programs don't have to go looking for
- a disk file just to read the user-selected keyboard shortcuts. I
- can't imagine this file (which is non-ASCII) being all that large, so
- it won't take very much RAM. Also, this would make things a lot more
- bearable for those (few) users who don't have a hard drive.
- An editor would, of course, modify both the copy in memory and the
- copy on disk.
- - Because most users will not bother changing the keyboard.cnf
- - (or whatever it's called).
- Would it *really* be much trouble to have default KEYBOARD.CNF files
- for different languages, and just use the most appropriate one?
- - Why does CTRL+W mean Close Window? It's not that obvious.
- It's a lot more obvious than CTRL-U--at least "w" bears some relation
- to "Window", but "u" doesn't even come close.
- - The majority of programs I get to review in the UK use CTRL+U
- - to close a window.
- The majority of programs I actually _use_ don't have any consistency
- at all. What I spend most of my _time_ in, though, uses CTRL-W.
- - The German developers had the sense to come up with their own
- - standard long before we did. Give them credit and try to cooperate.
- My point is that they developed keyboard shortcuts which make perfect
- sense to them, but are absolutely baffling to those of us who don't
- speak German. I find it pretty amazing that you want to "marry" two
- standards that are based on some very different assumptions; at least
- two "standards" are needed, but that seems like a non-standard
- standard.
- What I'd rather see is a method whereby programs can retrieve a set of
- "global" keyboard shortcuts, but in the absence of such a set, can use
- whatever the programmer feels is "best" for that particular
- application. (The application developer, not you or anybody else, is
- in the best position to decide what is best for their programs.) That
- way anybody who cares enough about their keyboard shortcuts can have a
- set defined, which programs will use; anyone who doesn't can use
- whatever the programmer feels like. If a key definition file is
- present, it would *totally* and *transparently* replace whatever
- keyboard shortcuts the programmer had selected.
- Here's an example, food for thought. What if you're working with an
- application which is *not* primarily text-oriented? This leaves
- unshifted letter keys suddenly available for keyboard shortcuts; this
- makes everything _much_ simpler. But with your standard, I would need
- to have all the CTRL- and CTRL-SHIFT- keys, because that's what every
- other application (which, from the nature of the discussion here,
- seems to be almost exclusively text-based applications) is using. For
- an application that is not text-based, the user's right hand is
- normally on the mouse, with the left hand on the keyboard; making
- shortcuts that can be accessed with _one_hand_ suddenly becomes very
- important, and not having to use CTRL or SHIFT makes that a lot
- easier.
- - Seriously though, the majority of software now originates in
- - Germany...
- Then why are you bothering with us English-speakers? What I'm trying
- to say is that if you have a single standard which has some things
- difficult for English-speakers to remember, and some things difficult
- for German-speakers to remember, you'll be annoying _both_ groups.
- Come up with separate recommendations. If they're dynamically
- configurable, it doesn't matter if there is more than one set.
- - The easiest way to remember shortcuts is when all programs use
- - the same ones.
- No, the easiest way to remember shortcuts is when they are _used_.
- The example you cite (CTRL-X/C/V) is useful because you can hit it
- with one hand. Most of the time, if I have to use two hands for a
- keyboard shortcut, I don't use it. A shortcut that isn't much of a
- shortcut won't get used. This is one more reason I prefer CTRL-W over
- CTRL-U; CTRL-W I can easily hit with one hand. Most of the time, my
- right hand is on the mouse, and my left hand is on the keyboard. If
- have to move my right hand off the mouse and onto the keyboard to hit
- a shortcut key, it isn't a shortcut!
- - Programs that will not follow the standard (if and when it is
- - widely accepted) will get bad scores on "Ease of Use" in magazines
- - and users will complain.
- "If and when" being the operative word. Without support from
- programmers, it won't be widely accepted--and I will not follow a
- standard which I think doesn't make sense.
- Bo,
- - How difficult would it to be in applications to implement a kind
- - of shortcut key "double-click"?
- Two comments. First, when it comes to mouse operations, there are two
- operations that are the hardest and/or the most tiring to do; these
- are the double-click and the click-drag. Depending on your physical
- condition (and mousing skills), these may be anywhere from slightly
- annoying to painful. I think it reasonable to assume a key
- double-click is not all that easy for the user to perform, especially
- on an _Atari_ keyboard.
- Second, how do you distinguish between a key double-click and a key
- repeat?
- - ...there is also a tendency to lose sight of the proposal's
- - concept that we are here dealing with _minimum_ system-wide
- - application _defaults_, not a rigid Apple-like "always do it
- - this way or we will not endorse your application".
- Hear, hear! Please, no heavy-handed domination by the "standard";
- make it a "recommendation" instead.
- Annius,
- - A good extra note in the guidelines would be that if ever a
- - programmer decides to use a keycode from the proposal for
- - something DIFFERENT, s/he should watch out that it is not
- - dangerous when a user assumes the standard meaning (as set out
- - in the proposal) and simply hits the key without RTMF.
- Good point. Any standard which includes recommendations for what to
- do when you must deviate from it is more foresighted than most.
- -+- Damien M. Jones -+- dmj software -+- dmj@genie.geis.com -+-